
A free alternative to Wordpress that makes web design accessible to everyone!

Updated on July 03, 2024


  1. Introducing Wordpress, a free, versatile content management system (CMS)
  2. Advantages of Wordpress
  3. Disadvantages of Wordpress
  4. Better than Wordpress:, a free alternative that makes it really easy to create a blog or showcase site
  5. It can be used in two different ways:
  6. Facilitate the layout of your website
  7. Advantages of
  8. In conclusion

With over 40% of the world's websites running on Wordpress, it's clearly the most widely used content management system! (source: Launched in 2003, Wordpress has developed an entire ecosystem over the years, enabling it to adapt to any web project: blog, showcase site, merchant site.However, be careful not to confuse the official, free site with the company, which makes commercial use of the Wordpress environment.

Other CMS (Content Management System) coexist alongside it. all offer more or less specialized solutions for specific sectors: landing pages, corporate websites, company portals, eCommerce...

At the same time, content managers such as are developing a different approach that will be of particular interest to the more novice. It's certainly one of the easiest content managers to use! Its clearly no-code oriented interface makes it easy to create high-quality websites, even without any technical knowledge.

Introducing Wordpress, a free, versatile content management system (CMS)

is an open system. It's capable of running complex sites and of evolving thanks to its numerous extensions. These are added to the basic system to integrate new functionalities as required: form system, slideshow, online payment system, table manager... There are over 50,000 of them, some free, others paying. It's also possible to select a theme(or template) to customize a site's overall appearance. Modifying a theme, however, requires not only graphic skills, but also knowledge of PHP, CSS and HTML, at the risk of display problems or total site crashes!

To facilitate the layout of articles, the integration of text, images and everything else that makes up a website, there are Pages Builders. These are specialized extensions to be installed in the Wordpress environment. The best-known are Elementor, Divi, WP Page Builder and Beaver Builder. They often cost a few dozen euros a month, but make page creation and organization a breeze.

“ Is Wordpress really the best tool for creating a blog or a small showcase site of just a few dozen pages? ”
Lighter systems are sometimes more suitable

In short, Wordpress is really comprehensive, (perhaps too much so?) for the user who simply wants to have a website without having to go through training. Web specialists will see it as the ideal solution for developing a site, but the CMS requires a lot of time to master. Wordpress often calls on technical notions and requires a minimum of coding skills (php, html, css) which are not necessarily available to everyone.

To use Wordpress, you also need a server to host your site. Numerous solutions exist (IONOS, OVH, LWS... ) with offers available for less than €10/month, to which you need to add the purchase of the domain name in .com or .fr for example.

Advantages of Wordpress

Disadvantages of Wordpress

Better than Wordpress:, a free alternative that makes it really easy to create a blog or showcase site

In the face of the big players such as Wordpress, Drupal and the other systems mentioned above, the content manager breaks new ground in terms of the astonishing simplicity of its operation. All you have to do is create an account, and you'll have an unlimited, customizable website instantly! Please note that this service is not intended to compete with traditional CMS, but it does provide novices with a neat, modern and entirely free web space. is particularly well-suited to the creation of a blog, the management of an association site or the development of a small company's showcase page, for example.

It can be used in two different ways:

Facilitate the layout of your website

At last, a CMS that lets users concentrate on what's really important: content! integrates text, images and everything else that makes up an article in an elegant, seamless way! No extension, PHP, CSS or HTML development is required, as the system guides the user to lay out the elements in the most coherent way possible. A system of blocks allows the user to compose his pages according to his needs. There are blocks dedicated to texts, images, videos, etc. Users can also add blocks to create contact forms, maps, tables, slideshows, links, all of which can be parameterized.

Advantages of

In conclusion

Today, there are dozens of ways to share content. Social networks offer an excellent way to disseminate information (Twitter or Facebook), photos (Instagram), videos (YouTube or TikTok) and to federate a community. At the same time, setting up a website will enable you to regain control over your content, and work on your image and SEO. In the face of classic content managers such as Wordpress, lighter technologies make it possible to design more modest web projects with extreme simplicity. is an interesting alternative that will enable you to carry out your web project without sacrificing time to technical aspects and layout.

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